Certified Payroll Reporting

Do you need to enter certified payroll reporting for KCMO using eComplySolutions?

We need you to beta test our service, free for the next 90 days, in exchange for your insights and feedback.

Sign up: Beta test Certified Payroll Reporting 90 days for free

    Getting all the information necessary for compliance, accurately reporting it on time for payroll using the KCMO eComply portal, is time-consuming. Let us help!

    We need beta testers! We will do your certified payroll reporting for free for 90 days in exchange for your insights.

    Who is Computer Impressions?

    We create solutions to make businesses more efficient. Our team is working to make Certified Payroll Reporting as easy as possible.

    Elizabeth Weems

    Extreme bookkeeper, Notary, HR problem solver.

    Elizabeth will be your point of contact during the beta. She has experience submitting the certified payroll reporting for the current companies we help.

    Jesse Salmon

    IT Architect, Government Contractor, always curious IT problem solver.

    As CEO and President of Computer Impressions, LLC, Jesse’s mission is to help you use technology to grow your business.


    913-825-3272 EXT #210

    10101 W 87th St, Suite 102

    Overland Park, KS 66212

    About Certified Payroll Reporting

    What is a certified payroll?

    Certified payroll is a form submitted weekly to the agency overseeing a government contract. The form lists every employee, their wages, the benefits they’re entitled to, the type of work they did, and the hours they worked. It shows withholdings and gross wages and includes a statement of compliance.

    Why do I need to complete a certified payroll report?

    When you win a contract to build something for the government, you have to submit a weekly certified payroll report to the project’s general contractor. If you don’t, you’re not complying with the Davis-Bacon Act. You can be prosecuted for not submitting a certified payroll report even if you are paying your workers the prevailing wage, so it’s important you understand what’s required.

    How long does it take to do a certified payroll report?

    The US Department of Labor estimates it will take 55 minutes to gather and compile the information for eight employees on a single report — not bad if you only have eight employees who only work on one job. But in reality, it could take you much longer.

    It also depends on which system you use — whether it’s the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) system, a state-provided system, or another piece of software — and how much data you need to enter. You could spend hours just collecting, reviewing, and confirming your payroll data, in addition to generating the actual paychecks and completing a certified payroll report. This work becomes more time-consuming the more employees you have and the more jobs you work on. It’s also highly error-prone if you are creating these payroll reports manually.

    How do I complete a certified payroll report?

    All of the requirements should be set out for you in the contract you sign with the government. But as we’ve seen, these instructions aren’t always easy to follow, and if you need more help, which you probably will, there are some great resources out there that you can turn to:

    Because certified payroll is such an investment, and so easy to get wrong, it’s no wonder the construction industry accounts for 89 percent of Davis-Bacon Act violations.

    Who creates certified payroll reports?

    Anyone can learn how to complete a certified payroll report, so here are a few examples of questions on a certified payroll report:

    • Who works for you?
    • What type of work are they doing (work or trade classification)?
    • How many hours have they worked?
    • What were they paid?
    • How much did they earn (gross wages on this job and for the week)?
    • What was taken out of their paychecks (taxes, child support, garnishments, union dues, etc.)?
    • What was the net amount they took home for the week (gross wages for all jobs, WITHOUT taxes and other deductions)?

    What makes a payroll report “certified”?

    A report is “certified” when it has a signed statement of compliance indicating the payroll forms are correct and complete, and each employee has been paid no less than the proper Davis-Bacon prevailing wage for the work performed.

    When a company owner or head of payroll puts their written signature on the statement of compliance, they are doing so understanding the willful falsification of any payroll information may subject the contractor or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution.

    The statement of compliance includes:

    1. The date of the report submitted.
    2. The name and position of the person submitting the statement.
    3. The name of the company working on the project.
    4. The name of the project.
    5. The date of the beginning work week, “[date] day of [Month], [year].”
    6. A deduction statement like, “Deductions are based on gross wages and include but are not limited to: Federal Withholding, FICA, Medicare, State Withholding, State Disability Insurance, Union Deductions, Child Support, or Other Garnishments.”
    7. An indication of how fringe benefits are paid (either in cash or through plans, funds, or other programs).
    8. Exceptions to indicate any employees who don’t qualify for fringe benefits.
    9. Any remarks regarding payroll, including the frequency of payroll (submitted on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, for example).
    10. The signature of the person submitting the statement.

    Our Proven Reporting Solution

    What does this solution do for me?

    We do the setup and then we do the necessary work to submit the weekly reports for you. We start by setting up your systems and gathering all your employer, employee, wage, project data. Then we configure and customize the solution to populate and connect with all those sources. This allows us to generate the necessary report to submit to KCMO through the eComply portal on your behalf.

    This results in you:

    • Spending less time on paperwork
    • Having experts with experience helping you avoid errors and mistakes
    • Being able to submit more bids, handle more projects
    • Spending more time running your business
    • Getting paid reliably
    • Getting paid faster

    How has this been proven?

    We originally created a solution for Computer Impressions’ own certified payroll reporting needs. Then we discovered a KCMO vendor complaining of spending untold hours doing certified payroll reporting. We went to work to customize this solution just for them. They’ve used it flawlessly for 12 months, so we want to improve upon it, to offer it to others.

    With COVID-19, why are you doing a beta test now?

    During this COVID-19 worldwide crisis, we have seen the local KCMO projects increase. Not to mention MCI airport contracts, state and federal construction for infrastructure, construction is an essential business.

    As we talk with businesses and the local KCMO government we identified a hurdle for these businesses not getting paid in a timely manner, due to certified payroll reporting.

    Companies are scrambling to work in new ways and to be more efficient. That’s what our team at Computer Impressions supports. We need real KCMO projects and real employee data to put our solution through its paces.

    We would like to make our solution available to others, while also taking time to gather feedback and improve it so we can scale that product beyond just the local KCMO region. If you’ll let us do your certified payroll reporting for you, we can make further refinements to our solution.

    What happens after 90 days?

    There is no commitment on your end, no other services or products we offer are contingent on you utilizing this solution. If you decide you enjoy working with our team and the solution is meeting a real need for you, then we would love to continue to serve you.

    The fee structure that we are currently exploring is:

    • Initial setup and 4 weeks of reporting – $1200 and $20 per employee (WAIVED FOR BETA); additional discounts for small businesses available.
    • Ongoing reporting cost per employee/per week – $5 (WAIVED FOR 60 DAYS FOR BETA)
    • For more than 25 employees, cost per employee/per week would adjust down to scale; contact us to negotiate options.

    We built this solution to help other businesses, and our mission is to make this product better and scale it.

    Who does the certified reporting?

    We work with you to set up the solution. Then we create the reports from your data. Then we review that report for accuracy with you, confirming certification. Then we help submit it.

    913-825-3272 EXT 210